

The concept of a cosmic 'evil eye' and those who can wield its powers for their own vindictive purposes is a historically global phenomenon. Among the Amhara of Ethiopia, however, it has taken on a peculiar form, and those who possess its powers are believed to have the ability to change into a hyena and attack others without being recognized. They are also able to cause infestations of lice in a person's hair. People who wield this buda, as it's called, can usually be identified by the way they act overly friendly in inappropriate situations, and through their manipulative tendencies and gravitation toward unnecessary drama.

To ward off the effects of buda, some carry talismans created and sold by itinerant shamans. Ours are hand-carved in Ethiopia from camel bone and have been secured to antique brass fishhook keychains to ensure that their protective influence is always at hand. They are marked with the symbol of the eye using a scrimshaw style technique, letting nefarious individuals know, "I see you. I know what you're up to. Now back. the fuck. down."

Of course, we all know there is no such thing as a cosmic evil eye and that people can't actually turn into hyenas. But lice? Drama queens? Douchebags? If those aren't forms of supernatural suffering, we don't know what is. 

Because these items are handmade, expect slight variations in size and style (as shown in product photos). Each talisman sold individually.